‘untitled’ (dark matter)
'pitch black'
Asphalt, Epoxy Resin, Metal, Manipulated Clock with black windowfoil, Spotlight
Asphalt Piece: 130 x 120 x 90 cm /
Clock Diameter: 40 cm

IMPRINT – Material Model
"The road and much of the landscape was artificial, and yet it couldn't be called a work of art."
1,20 x 0,80 x 0,20

‘untitled’ (dark matter)
Asphalt, Epoxy Resin, Metal, Manipulated Clock with black windowfoil, Spotlight
Asphalt piece
130 x 120 x 90 cm (HxLxW)
Clock Diameter
40 cm

Pavilion for Petr Pufler
Black as midnight on a moonless night
Tar Paper, Wooden Beamconstruction
at Berlinskej Model
In situ construction in approx. 30 m2

The Reminding Remains
Fine silica sand mixed with furan resin casted objects: mirror, photoframe, toilet, doorknobs, doormat, two small shoes, small clock, windowsill casted wall in-situ
2,20 x 4,50 x 2,50 m
( H x L x W )
The Reminding Remains (video)
"Het is alsof je het hoofd van de kunstenaar binnenstapt, midden in een jeugdherinnering"
Fine silica sand mixed with furan resin
casted objects: mirror, photoframe, toilet, doorknobs, doormat, two small shoes, small clock, windowsill
casted wall in-situ
2,20 x 4,50 x 2,50 ( H x L x W )

“Yet there exists another punctum”
I now know that there exists another punctum (another “stigmatum”) than the “detail”. This new punctum, which is no longer of form but of intensity, is Time, the lacerating emphasis of the noeme (“that has been”), its pure representation.
Inkjetprint on Fine Art paper
110 x 73,34 cm

Proposal for a monument (for things that will be forgotten)
Fine silica sand mixed with furanresin, brass, and wooden pedestal
1,60 x 0,54 x 0,46 m (H x W x L)

“I have an exceptional, I believe fairly prodigious even, memory of all the places I have slept in, […]. For the others, all I need to do, once I’m in bed, is to close my eyes and to think with a minimum of application of a given place for the bedroom to come instantly back into my memory in every detail”
Object of Black MDF, string
+ story on crack block
1,20 x 1,40 x 1,55 m
“In my sweetest dreams,
I would go out for a walk”
Wood, fan on motion sensor, vertical blinds, beamer projection, taperecorder playing a tapeloop.
4,00 x 2,00 x 4,00 M
The Illusionists Door
videoprojection loop with sound
about 210 cm by 90 cm